Principal’s Notes December 12, 2014

Sunday marks the halfway point in the Advent season. The staff has been emphasizing preparedness for Christmas. Of course, the stores prepare us for Christmas gifts back in October (or earlier). Help us prepare your students spiritually by attending Mass and taking some time to reflect on the reason for the season.

Our students in grades 3-8 will have their Advent Reconciliation service next Tuesday at 12:30. You are welcome to attend.

The second semester ends Dec. 19th. Report cards will be available to view on that day after dismissal. We will be presenting Fr. John and Fr. Steve with their Christmas gifts after Mass on that day as well. Christmas parties will begin after Mass with dismissal at 11:15 a.m. Please stop at the office and get a visitor sticker before going to room parties next Friday. There is no after school latchkey on December 19th. The parish staff has their annual Christmas party in the afternoon.

We had a large Christmas scrip order this past month. We still have limited Scrip cards until next Friday. **The school office will be open from 9 a.m. to noon on Monday & Tuesday, December 22 & 23 for those needing to make last minute Scrip purchases.** Again I would like to encourage you to keep using scrip. Also, if you shop at Schnucks and do not have their refund pass, please contact the office and we will get one to you.

I would like to acknowledge all of the hard work done by Mr. Sladek and Mrs. Popovchak-Erickson on the annual Christmas program. I saw the rehearsal and knew that you would enjoy the evening. (I attended my grandson’s program that evening.) There is a time change for the Spring Fine Arts Program to 6:30 pm.

We have a new kindergarten student, Adrian Somahli. Adrian is from Bethlehem (the Holy Land Bethlehem). He is provisionally enrolled pending immigration paperwork. Adrian does not speak English, but he is learning quickly.

Kudos To
All who generously gave to our Advent project and for the priests’ gifts. You can still
donate until Dec.16th if you wish. We were able to send a wonderful list of items.
God bless you all!

Our 8th grade girls basketball team for finishing third in the SSPP tourney.

Our 8th grade boys team for winning the consolation championship.

Ms. Jennifer O’Connor who completed her student teaching assignment under Mrs. Wepking. Thanks for your work here and best of luck in the future.

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