Principal’s Notes December 24, 2014

It is hard to believe that the first semester has come and gone. If there are no glitches, the second quarter grades will be available to view after noon today (12/19). I hope that doesn’t result in lumps of coal for any student.

Don’t forget that student attendance at Mass over Christmas is an integral component of the religion curriculum and our Catholic faith. Don’t forget that Mass will be Christmas Eve at 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm; 8:00 am and 10:30 am on Christmas Day. January 1st is a holyday. There is Mass on New Year’s Eve at 4:00 pm and at 9:00 am on New Year’s Day.

LouAnne, Marianne, and I would like to thank the parents and students who sent us such generous gifts.

On behalf of the faculty and staff of Ss. Peter and Paul school, I want to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed and Happy New Year! See you in 2015.

Kudos to: Our wonderful room parents for planning the Christmas parties.
All who generously gave to our Advent project. God bless you all!
7th grader, Jack Barnish, for placing first in the Elks Club Free
Throw Contest. Jack advances to the next level contest in


A number of incidents involving our fans’ decorum at basketball games have been reported to me. I have sent a message to all of our coaches reminding them that they are responsible for our fans’ behavior at games. If a coach asks you to tone down your behavior, you will be expected to comply.

There is no excuse for unsportsmanlike behavior. I have coached nearly 1000 basketball games at all levels before I became a principal. I can assure you that yelling at poor officials does not make them any better. In most cases, they become worse. You definitely are not going to get any breaks by riding an official.

Good sportsmanship is expected from all of our players, coaches, and fans. As adults, we are expected to set a good example for our students. Your admission fee gives you the privilege of cheering for our teams, not berating officials or the other team.

I know from speaking with other principals that we are not the only school where this is happening. This issue is on the agenda at our next meeting. Until then, I would respectfully ask you to examine your actions at our games. If you are not showing good sportsmanship at all times, please make a conscious effort to change.

Your actions reflect not only on your character, but the school and parish as well.

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