Principal’s Notes December 5, 2014

We have begun celebrating the season of Advent here at SSPP with some special events. Fr. John blessed our Advent wreath to remind us of Jesus’ coming. The feast of the Immaculate Conception is next Monday. All students will be attending Mass. No school Mass on Tuesday. We held an Advent rosary last Tuesday. The students will have a reconciliation service on Dec. 16th. Our second graders will make First Reconciliation the next night.

Our annual Christmas program will be held Tuesday, December 9th at 7:00 pm in the gym. Everyone is invited. Holiday nuts and Scrip will be available for purchase. Cash or checks only.

The Advent season begins the new liturgical year and is a great time to renew our commitment to our faith. We make time for decorations, shopping, and parties. How about making time to celebrate the true reason for Christmas? Our church will be packed for Christmas. Why not pack it every Sunday?

Every year, the students present Father John with a Christmas gift and this year we will add Fr. Steve. If you would like to contribute, please send to the office in a marked envelope. If money is tight, perhaps your child(ren) can sign a Christmas card for them instead. I’m sure that they will appreciate either. The deadline is Monday, December 16th.

Our school wide Advent project has begun. This year we are asking for monetary or generic Scrip card donations. The deadline is December 16th. Send your donation to the office in a card marked Advent project. In the past, we have encouraged the students to give of themselves and not just ask the parents for money.

Second quarter grades will be available after school on December 19th. Honor roll certificates will be awarded on Jan. 16th. December Student of the Month will be awarded on Jan. 9th.

Kudos To
The sixth and eighth graders who did a fantastic job in leading the Advent rosary
All of our basketball parents for working the tournament this week
Our 7th grade boy’s team won the consolation championship at the SMSA basketball tournament

The SSPP latchkey will be closed after the morning of Dec. 19th until school resumes on Jan. 5th. There will be no latchkey after dismissal on Dec. 19th, so our staff can attend the parish staff Christmas party.

Snow Days
In the event of a school closure due to weather, you will be contacted via School Reach starting at 6:00 a.m. Unfortunately, our budget does not allow the Latchkey to be operated on snow days. If school is closed after 6:30 am and you have already dropped your child off at latchkey, we will stay open long enough for you to make arrangements for pick-up.

Just a reminder that parents must call or message the office for student absences before 9:00 a.m. If you send a message to a teacher for a future absence, please send the message to the office as well.

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