Principal’s Notes January 15, 2015

SSPP school will be closed this Monday in commemoration of the Martin Luther King holiday. Latchkey will NOT be open.

There will be special presentations after all of this week’s Masses. The presentation will explain the proposed building project in the parish. I urge you to attend one of the masses here this week and become acquainted with this project. Your comments and concerns need to be heard by the Master Plan Committee. Our school board members have already seen the presentation and will be happy to forward any comments onto the committee. You can send them a Fast Direct with your impressions.

Our fundraising continues to move along at a great clip. Coupled with the outstanding success of the auction, we will be able to continue to fund needed programs here at SSPP. Our chromebooks for next year have arrived and are being formatted.

The two snow days will not have to be made up at the end of the year. We continue to modify our virtual snow day package. We have decided that we will not have a virtual snow day on the third consecutive day. That happens infrequently and that day would need to be made up, unless we get more than 5 virtual snow days. Since we are using virtual snow days, our last day of school will be May 15th. Of course that could change.

I attended a principals breakfast at CHS this past week. The principal and guidance counselors were effusive in their praise of our graduates from SSPP. It was nice to listen to some student leaders at the breakfast. Although none of our graduates were free at that period, we have many SSPP graduates in student and club leadership roles at CHS.

Kudos to: SSPP Graduate, Gabrielle Suria, who has been named an Illinois State Scholar at Collinsville High School.

SSPP graduates, Alex Langenstein and Josh Mark, for making the Althoff honor roll.

Catholic Schools Week
Catholic Schools Week begins on January 25th. A schedule of activities will be in tomorrow’s Backpack News. The school board will sponsor an Open House after the 10:30 Mass. Come tour the school and enjoy some pizza!

Student Teacher
Miss Fuller is currently taking classes toward a Master’s Degree in Reading. Her professor asked her if she would be willing to mentor a student teacher. This is a unique honor, since public universities rarely allow student teachers in non-public schools. Her professor recognized Miss Fuller’s exceptional skills as a teacher (something we have known since her hiring). I agreed to the student teaching contract. We are glad to welcome Mr. Thomas Woodberry for his teaching practicum. I’m sure that he will have a wonderful experience under Miss Fuller’s guidance.

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