Principals Notes January 22, 2015

Next week is Catholic Schools Week. The theme is Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge, and Service. Thank you in advance for taking your children to Mass this weekend at SSPP. It is important that the parishioners of SSPP see our students. The parish subsidizes nearly every student here at SSPP.

I would like to send special thanks to the parents/guardians/grandparents who financially support our school. That is certainly a great sacrifice in the current economic climate. I believe that your investment returns a great dividend. Our students learn and live the Good News every day. We don’t mask our Character Ed programs, so as to be politically correct.

We realize that it may be a sacrifice financially, but we feel that it is a worthwhile investment in your child’s future. We annually have students in the top ten academically at CHS, as well as those who go to a Catholic high school. We regularly hear from CHS teachers how well our students do in their classes. This year we have a large number of our 8th graders who plan to go to a Catholic secondary school. Our area Catholic high schools continue the work started here at SSPP. Forming our Catholic faith does not stop at Confirmation.

We have dedicated faculty and staff who work for an average of 67% less than their counterparts at Unit 10. Our answer for problems in education is dedication and prayerful guidance, not throw money at it. Of course, we are helped by the concern and efforts of our parents. We strive to be partners in the education and future of our students. Enjoy the celebration that is Catholic Schools Week!

We will have an Open House on Tuesday from noon to 2 p.m. You are all welcome to visit the classrooms and see our great staff and students at their best. If you know any parents who may be interested in our school, please invite them to come as well.

Everyone is welcome to a Pizza Party sponsored by the School Board. Come over after 10:30 a.m. Mass. The classrooms will be open for a tour.

The Backpack News will have a complete schedule of events for next week.

Kudos To
The following SSPP Alumni earned Honor Roll at Father McGivney High School:
Andy Taphorn, Honors
Noah Mitan, High Honors

Our Student Council for their hard work all year long, but especially next week.

Our 4th grade girls basketball team who captured 1st place at the SJN Tournament

Our 4th grade boys team who placed second at the SJN Tournament

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