Principal’s Notes November 7, 2014

May God bless all our veterans as we remember their contributions for our freedom! We ask special blessings for our vets on the school staff –
Mrs. Phetsadasack and Mrs. Martin.

The Student Council is planning the Veteran’s Day Mass next Tuesday. All are welcome to join us in honoring our vets. There is No School on Monday, November 10 in observance of Veterans Day. There is no bus service on November 11th.

Saturday night is our annual auction. I want to extend special thanks to the many parents, students, and friends who have worked so hard to make this evening a special event. Because of all of the hard work by so many people, we expect another successful auction again this year. This is the largest fundraiser for the school and parish.

You can still contribute by pledging to the Raise Your Paddle. Any amount is accepted. Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, all donations will be matched up to $20,000. The money will be spent on chromebooks and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) materials. Next year, we will begin individual chromebooks for grades 7 and 8 with textbooks loaded onto the devices.

Please keep in mind our SCRIP program for your holiday shopping. I know from personal experience that gift cards beat standing in line for Christmas shopping. The quicker that you return the form, the quicker we can get it ordered for you.

Although the weather is fantastic now, the snows will blow soon. I have sent School Reach phone messages already this school year. If you did not get a call, please contact the office to verify your phone numbers. If you change any previous phone numbers, you must notify the office as well as change them on Fast Direct.

The Advent season is fast approaching. That is the start of the Church calendar year. Now is the time to renew your commitment to the faith. If you don’t attend Sunday Mass, make an early resolution to take your child(ren) every week. The students are very candid about their Mass attendance.

Stacy Deadmond and Renee Crowder for chairing this year’s auction.

To all of the auction committees for planning and executing their auction areas.

To all of our parent volunteers from every class for decorations, solicitations, set-up, the money room, and all of the auction events.

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