Principal’s Notes September 3, 2015

We will present Fr. John’s birthday gift after Mass on Sept.11th. You may still send any donations to the office in an envelope marked Fr. John Birthday.

It is important that all health, dental, and student information forms are returned to the office. If you received a reminder about health or dental forms, those must be returned by October 1st. Students may be refused admission to school, if the forms are not completed and on file. The health and dental forms must be signed by a physician/dentist. The student information area on Fast Direct needs to be completed by the parent/guardian. Please remember to hit the change bar after entering new information.

There is an informal meeting of the Illinois Kids Campaign at Queen of Peace School (5923 N. Belt West in Belleville) on Sept. 9th from 4-6 pm. It is an informational meeting on education reform efforts to provide scholarship access to schools that are right for your children.

This is a reminder that students are not allowed to purchase soda from the school machine for lunch. Students may purchase soda as they leave for dismissal, but they cannot hold up the bus. They must have correct change. Students may be allowed soda purchases for special occasions granted by the teachers or club sponsors.

In an effort to alleviate the congestion at the office window, please try to avoid Scrip purchases from 8:00-8:10 in the morning and from 2:15 to 2:30 in the afternoon. I do have all-school prayer and announcements at those times, as well as student call downs.

I am asking you to contact your child’s teachers if you have any issues with the chromebooks or the digital book connections. We are keeping a log of all concerns so that we can continue to iron out all of the bugs. We realize that not everything is perfect on the first time usage, but we want to minimize the problems.

Kudos To
Our parents who have volunteered for room parent duty.
Our auction leaders who are planning a huge night in November.

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