Principal’s Pen – April 20, 2018

“Once Upon A Time… at Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic School…..” So begins our Family Reading Night and Book Fair on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 from 6:30 – 8 pm. Follow your own adventure through each classroom to see the ways we celebrate Reading at our school. Don’t miss the snacks and photo booth! Enjoy a memorable evening with fun for all ages!

Glo-Bingo Thank you to all who came out for this crazy night of fun and fun-draising! Special thanks to Sarah Mossa, Susannah Arana and Kandi Unfried who worked so hard to make this event so special! Kindergarten class won with the most points! Way to go, little ones!!

Registration is open for next school year Preschool – grade 8. Reserve your child’s spot now. Please call the school office with any questions. We are here to help you!

Golf Outing 2018 is Friday, May 11! Mark your calendar – Gather your fearsome foursome.

CALENDAR UPDATE: Last day of school dismissal will be 11:15 am. There will be no Extended After School Care that day, Friday, May 18, 2018.

This week IOWA and CogAT test results are sent home to parents in the Friday Folder for grades 3, 5, 7 & 8. Together these tests give an indication of what students know and how they are learning. The Iowa Assessment is a standardized test using norms from students across the United States . Each student’s National Percentile Rank (NPR) score is calculated by comparing test performance against others within the same age range and grade level.
The NPR scale ranges from 1 to 99 and indicates the percentage of students who earned higher or lower test scores. For example, if a student earned a percentile rank of 62, it means that he/she scored better than 62 percent of the students in the norm group, and that 38 percent scored as well or better.
One of our educational goals this year was to improve our Computation skills through extra daily practice and using the IXL programs. Fifth grade demonstrated a leap from a class NPR of 32 in third grade to NPR 57 in fifth grade. Seventh grade NPR rose to NPR of 47 from 38 in fifth grade. Current eighth grade demonstrated an increase of 3 percentile points in one year with continued practice. We are pleased that a small tweek in our curriculum could yield good results. Let’s see where this takes us next year!!

The Parents & Friends group invites ALL of our Parents (& Friends) to build a stronger school community through social, spiritual and fundraising activities. If you are interested but were not able to attend the recent meeting, please fill in the attached form and send it to the school office. We would LOVE to hear from you!

THANK YOU and GOD BLESS YOU to the Knights of Columbus for its donation of $600 to the Tuition assistance fund that was proceeds from the breakfast here in March.

It is not too late! You are encouraged to apply for the Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship & give yourself tuition assistance.
1. Go: to complete a brief online form to time stamp your application for the first-come, first-served scholarships.
2. Apply: After reserving your place in line, families will be emailed a unique link and use their reservation code to complete the application. Applications will be sent on a rolling basis, over the course of a few weeks. After receiving the application email, families will have 7 days to complete the application and submit all required documents.

Grab your map to Once Upon a Time fantasy adventure! See you Tuesday at Family Reading Night!

Peg Bodinet