This third Sunday of Advent is Gaudete Sunday which means “rejoice”. We rejoice because the wait for the coming of Baby Jesus at Christmas is almost over! This week we light the pink Advent candle. We continue to pray for each other, especially our Second Graders who received their First Reconciliation this past Wednesday.
We will have our all-school Masses on Tuesday (12-19) and Thursday (12-21), an Advent Rosary on Wednesday at 1:10 pm and Thursday dismissal at 11:15 am.
Extended Care Reminder: Thursday, December 21, we will only offer Before School Care so the staff can attend the Parish Staff Christmas party. We will be closed from the afternoon of December 21 – January 2. To ensure students and staff members safety, if the school closes for winter weather, Before and After Care will be closed as well.
Speaking of winter weather closings…… we sent out a ‘test call’ to all of our families on Tuesday, December 12 about 6:00 pm to check our phone based School Messenger system. If you did NOT receive a phone message, or need to change any numbers, please fast direct or call the school office.
SAFETY FIRST: Please do not drop off students at the Morrison Street Doors in the morning. That entrance is for bus drop off. Dropping off there creates a safety hazard for our students. Students may be dropped off at the Johnson Street door (the street between the gym/cafeteria and the church/school). School Personnel are at the Johnson Street entrance until 8:05.
Parents are invited to help shape the future of our school and join the School Board and Faculty on Thursday, January 18 as we develop the next 3-5 year plan together – plotting the future of our school! Details in January.
In January each class will be asked to represent our school as Fellowship Hosts after Mass one weekend a month. We will need 2-3 parents from each grade to give a few minutes to set up before Mass and about 20-30 minutes after Mass. Liz Dalton will fill you in with details when you serve. Let’s choose to be Servant Leaders to our fellow parishioners and guests.
If you bought a pass at the Auction don’t forget Dress Down Monday, December 18, following dress code guidelines in the Handbook.
“Giving” – is the word of the month for December. Give of yourself to someone else today!
Mrs. Peg Bodinet
Interim Principal