Principal’s Pen – February 2, 2018

Catholic Schools Week celebrations were FANTASTIC! The Choir kicked off the celebration at 4:30 Mass on Saturday followed by Open House, Pizza and Sports pictures on Sunday. Birthday Bag items were collected all week and on Monday we will fill the bags to make a fun birthday for other children.
• Catholic Trivia WInners – Mrs. Schellers group who earned a whopping 37 points!
• Spelling Bee 5-8 gr Champs were 1st: Isabella Wendler 2nd :Estevan Guerrero 3rd : Lily Jurgena
• Spelling Bee for grades K-4 will be MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5 at 9:30 in the cafeteria.
• Class Olympics were a BLAST with winning grades K, 8, 6, 3 and 2nd
• Our home –based field trip from the Science Center was a guide to the planets in a gigantic tent that we crawled into. Sound like fun? Ask your children what they saw!
Thank you to all of our parents, School Board, Teachers and parishioners who helped make this week a success. Thank you to Lynn Muniz for helping us with coffee on Thursday and to Kelley Gaither and our generous parents who treated the faculty and staff to lunch on Friday. You are the BEST!

Trivia Night this Saturday February 3, doors open at 5:30. Trivia begins at 6:30 pm
It is not too late to reserve a table: $100 for 8 players or $15 each person.

Volunteers needed to set up Friday at 7 pm in gym and for Saturday during event

Class contest – Earn points for supporting this event. Class with most points wins an ice cream party. All students with participation points receive a dress down pass for Thursday, Feb 15.

Please contact Amy Smith at 618-920-2651 or Fast Direct. Your support of Trivia Night directly benefits our school & helps to keep tuition costs down.

Congratulations to our K of C Free Throw Winners
Joanne Palmes- age 10 girls
Ella Guerrero – age 11 girls
Jenna Scheller – age 13 girls

Why did I receive a Registration Form??
1. The Illinois Tax Credit Scholarship requests documentation of a student’s acceptance.
2. We are a few weeks away from re-registration and it helps us to budget for next year to register early. So please send in your registration form. NO REGISTRATION FEES ARE DUE AT THIS TIME
The Illinois State Tax Scholarship website is on overload and shut down until they can accommodate the load of applications. Keep watching your email for when the site re-opens. As soon as we receive any definite information, we will send it along.

Fellowship: Calling Second and Third grade parents! We need your help as hosts after weekend Masses. We need two or three parents (children can help too!) to give a few minutes for set up before Mass and about 20-30 minutes after Mass. Liz Dalton will fill you in with details. Please call the school office and we will walk you through the details.

This week Students in Grades 5 & 8 will be taking the ACRE test which measures their knowledge of Religion. This Standardized test is given to these grades each year.

Pleae pray for our 8th graders as they continue their preparation for Conifmration with their Retreat on Sunday, February 4.

Blessings to all of you and your families,

Peg Bodinet