ALOHA! Thank you to our Auction Committee, all who donated and attended the Auction to make it a great success. Special thanks to Auction Chairs Ashley Swip and Tammy Waligorski for helping all of us to sail to new heights in Fundraising! If you purchased the pass, our first Dress Down Monday is this Monday, November 20th. Follow dress code guidelines in the Handbook. ALOHA!
Students of the Month were honored today at Mass and celebrated with doughnuts and milk after Mass in the gathering space. Congratulations to our students who exemplified the trait of “Cooperation” in October : K- Reese Reinhardt, 1st- Logan Starko, 2nd- Liam Wright, 3rd – Jacob Ramert, 4th – Gabe Freeman, 5th – Kassidy Walker,
6th – Ella Guerrero, 7th – Lily Jurgena, 8th – Audrey Traubitz!
Our basketball teams are burning up the courts! Keep up the good work! GO HORNETS!!
Don’t forget to sign up for the Basketball Clinic on December 21 beginning right after school dismissal at 11:15 am. See the flyer in your Friday Folder.
Your SS Peter and Paul School Board is developing a 3-5 year Long Range Plan. YOU are invited to help shape the future of our school and join the School Board and Faculty on Thursday, January 18 to help plot the future!
Clip BOX TOPS, tape them to the collection sheet from your Friday Folder and send them to the office. We will be happy to provide additional sheets. Also note the SCAN and EARN information that can make collecting sooooo easy. With Holiday baking and entertainment coming up, check your familiar products for BOX TOPs to earn funds for our school! The class that brings in the most BOX TOPS in November wins a special treat.
Boy Scouts are Scouting for Food this weekend but the pantry also needs dish soap, shampoo, paper towels, Kleenex, toilet paper & household cleaning supplies. These items cannot be purchased with food stamps and are greatly appreciated. Don’t forget the Cub Scout breakfast at KC Hall this Sunday!!
Hoard your pennies because the week after Thanksgiving we will be waging Penny Wars to raise a little fun and raise a little spirit and raise a little money for the victims of this fall’s Hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Each class deposits their collection of pennies each day into their class milk jug in the school office. Deposits are tabulated each day. IF SOMEONE FROM ANOTHER CLASS deposits silver coin or a dollar bill into a jug – that total amount in pennies will be deducted from their total. (ie if a quarter is dropped in a milk jug, 25 pennies will removed thus reducing their total.) We will see who raises the most money by the end of the week! Donations will be sent to the National Catholic Education Association where 100% of the funds will be sent to affected dioceses .
Help is needed as Fellowship Hosts from our school after Mass one weekend a month. We need 2-3 families to give a few minutes to set up before Mass and about 20-30 minutes after Mass. Contact Mrs. Bodinet if you can help. Liz Dalton will fill you in with details. Serving others is a spiritual discipline that Jesus modeled for us and we can model for our children. Let’s be servant leaders to and for each other.
We will be celebrating our Veterans during our 8:15 Mass on Tuesday and afterwards at a breakfast hosted by our Student Council.
It is a blessings to be here and a blessing to be a part of this school!
Mrs. Peg Bodinet
Interim Principal