Dear Parents,
Wishing you a Blessed Holy Week and a very Happy Easter!
Listed below are the days of Holy Week. See if your child can tell you about one of these days.
Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday)
Holy Monday (Jesus clears the Temple. The only time you will read that Jesus is mad)
Holy Tuesday (Jesus is in Jerusalem and then goes to the Mount of Olives)
Holy Wednesday (Spy Wednesday) Then Judas went to the Sanhedrin and offered to deliver Jesus to them in exchange for money. From this moment on, Judas sought an opportunity to betray Jesus. In reference to Judas Iscariot’s intent to betray Jesus, the day is sometimes called “Spy Wednesday”.
Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday)
Good Friday (It is good only because Jesus dies for us so that we will be able to attain Heaven) Trial, Crucifixion, and Burial
Holy Saturday (Black Saturday) Jesus is in the tomb
Easter Vigil
Easter (Resurrection)
Grandparent’s Day and May Crowning – April 26th at 1 p.m. grandparents are invited to share in prayer with their grandchildren at May Crowning. Grandparents can meet their grandchildren from the classrooms or in the gathering space to sit with them. The eighth graders will be doing the May Crowning so their grandparents will have seating in the reserved area in the front pews. Students will be able to go home with their grandparents after the May Crowning ceremony. Please remind grandparents that they must sign the child out before they leave school.
Dad’s Mass on May 1st at 8:15 a.m. – Please return the dad’s form if he is planning on attending. We need to know how many pews to reserve. Students will meet their dad’s after mass and can take them to their classroom.
National Teacher’s Day – May 7th – Student Council is hosting a Dress Down Day on Wednesday, April 24th to raise money for Teacher Appreciation Week. In order to dress down, please send in $2 or however much your family would like to contribute. All money will be used to cover the cost of the Teacher Appreciation Luncheon as well as to purchase Scrip for our teachers. Thank you!

Congratulations to the following Preschool students who won the VFW coloring contest.
1st Place – Colton C
2nd Place – Cora U
3rd Place – Diego M

Congratulations to the Fifth Graders who won the VFW Essay Contest
1st Place – Isaac W
2nd Place – Joanne P
3rd Place – Will S
Easter Blessings to you and your family.
Miss Kirk