Dear Parents,
Pick-up after school has become very dangerous on Morrison Avenue!
Safety should be everyone’s main concern!!
Parking on Morrison Avenue has made it unsafe for students, parents, and the cars leaving the Johnson Street car line.
We have 4 buses that need to pick up students on Morrison Avenue, but with cars parking on the opposite side of the street, it is becoming a safety concern for all.
I have had parents emailing me about almost being hit because of the lack of space and fast driving on the Morrison Street during pick-up.
Please use the Johnson Street car line!! You have three different ways to leave and it goes quite smoothly and is quicker. Try it, you’ll see!
There are plenty of spaces on the Manning Hall lot for parking. Students are only allowed to cross the street with a parent. Parents should meet their student (s) at the Johnson Street doors.
Best of Luck to our students who are participating in the Speech Meet this Saturday at St. John Newman and also to those students who are participating in the Father McGivney Spelling Bee on Monday evening.
Parents and Friends Association is inviting parents to come for a social at the K of C Hall on April 12th for fish. Bring the family and eat with school families from SSPP. There will be a section in the hall for SSPP families.
Grandparents Day/May Crowning – April 26th at 1 p.m. in church.
Dad’s Mass will be on May 1st which is a Wednesday.
Summer Camp – I am currently working on Summer Camp plans. I hope to have Summer Camp but I need more than one adult to help. If you have a high school student that would like to earn some extra money this summer, please let me know. As soon as I have the staff in place I will let you know of the plans.
Report cards for students in Grade Pre- School – Seventh grade will be mailed about a week after school is out. Teachers will need time to do grades.

These band students competed in the District Solo Band Contest:
Front Row:
Kolin W, Ginna L, Skyla A, Elsa B, Faith K, Kai G
Back Row:
Will S, Emily T, Joanne P, Livia M, Lily J, Marlana G, Mr. Sladek, Wyatt B, Lyle B
First Day of School for 2019 – 2020 will be August 13th with dismissal at 11:15 a.m. No buses running this day. Pre-School will begin on August 14th. The school calendar for next year will be sent home on the last day of school.
SSPP Golf at Stonewolf Golf Club – Our annual Golf Outing this year is being held on May 10, 2019 at Stonewolf Golf Club in Fairview Heights, Illinois. All proceeds go directly to our school, providing resources to keep our school a top parochial school in the Metro East! In fact, the annual golfing is one of our largest fundraisers. We ask that you lease consider supporting our great school by becoming a sponsor, making a donation, or entering a team in the tournament. You can fill out the form in the Friday Folder and return it to the school office, or complete your sponsorship/and or registration on the school website at

to our Students of the Month for March:
Row 1: Lily B, Reis B, Blake G, J.T. S,
Row 2: Ellie R, Kai G, Maddie K, Hannah E
Have a great weekend!
Miss Kirk