Principal’s Pen August 17, 2018

Dear Parents,
Thank you for such a great turnout for our Open House after the 10:30 Mass last Sunday. It was so nice meeting parents with their children! Our first week of school has gone very well. I am so inspired with the dedication of the secretaries, faculty, and the student’s cheerfulness and willingness to be so helpful. It is good to be here and I feel blessed to be a part of this school family!

Confirmation Affirmation: Sunday, August 19, at 10:30 Mass, our 8th graders will be introduced to their year of study for Confirmation. After Mass lunch will be provided for them and their parents in the Fellowship Hall along with a presentation of the responsibilities and procedures of learning about the sacrament of Confirmation.

SSPP Night at Edison’s! Come play laser tag with Miss Kirk!!
Thursday, August 23, at Edison’s in Edwardsville we will have a night of fun! Tickets are $10.00 per person and you will have unlimited use of Laser Tag and Bowling. Games and food will be half price AND SS Peter and Paul School will get $5.00 of every ticket sold (depending on amount of tickets sold). Come play Laser Tag with the principal!! Please complete and return the form in the Friday Folder with payment by Monday, August 20.

BBQ and Soccer Sunday: Sunday, August 26, after 10:30 Mass parents, students, and parishioners will enjoy a delicious BBQ (hamburgers & hotdogs) and fellowship.
Soccer pictures will take place outside the gym on the Johnson Street parking lot. Thank you to the School Council and Mr. Ryan Klaas for this event!

Drop-off Procedure: Thank you for being so patient and understanding of our new drop-off procedures. Hopefully, with the Patrols opening the doors and helping the little ones, it is making it easier for you. Please pull up to the first patrol that does not have a car at that time. We are able to service four cars at one time that way. Students should not be getting out on the left side.

Pick-up Procedures: This procedure seems to be going very well. Thank you for waiting patiently until your line is called to move. We will not begin to move the cars out until ALL students are in their cars.

Cars Parked on Morrison Street: For traffic flow issues (including buses), please do NOT park on Morrison Street. Please park in the Manning Hall lot and then cross at crosswalk to meet your student at the Johnson Street Doors. You are encouraged to take a place in the car line for dismissal. It usually only takes about 7 – 8 minutes to be dismissed. A student will NOT be allowed to cross the street by themselves.

Uniform: The Parent Handbook states that if pants have belt loops then a belt should be worn. I have seen several students not wearing a belt. Belts should be worn. I will be checking uniforms next week. Shirts are to be tucked in at all time. Parents, please help your child with the uniform code. Thanks so much.

Parents, I thank you so much for entrusting your child to us to help you with their spiritual and academic growth to be disciples of Jesus. May God continue to bless our students, parents, faculty, and staff.

It is good to be here!

Miss Patricia Kirk, Principal
SS Peter and Paul Catholic School


Sunday, August 19 Confirmation Affirmation for 8th graders at 10:30 a.m. Mass
followed by lunch & meeting in Fellowship Hall
Thursday, August 23 SSPP Edison’s Night, Edwardsville IL
Sunday, August 26 Family Mass, Back to School BBQ, Soccer Pictures
Monday, Sept 4 NO SCHOOL – Labor Day Holiday
Monday, Sept 11 Fr. John’s Birthday