Principal’s Pen August 24, 2018

Dear Parents,

Thank you so very much for helping with the Edison Fun Night fundraiser! The kids seemed to have a great time. They were very well behaved and were such a wonderful example to others of their goodness. We should have made around $192.00 for this event. We sold 64 tickets and gained a profit of $3.00 per ticket.

Just a reminder about the BBQ and Soccer Sunday: After the 10:30 Mass on Sunday, August 26th parents, students, and parishioners will enjoy a delicious BBQ and fellowship with each other. Soccer pictures will take place outside the gym on the Johnson Street parking lot. Thanks to Mr. Ryan Klaas, the School Council, and Parents and Friends for providing the BBQ.

Mother’s Mass: On September 7, we are inviting all mothers to attend Mass with us. Please see the flyer in the Friday Folder this week. Dad’s your Mass will be in May on the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker.

Spirit Shirts:
Our students will have the opportunity to walk as a school in the Italian Fest Parade. We will need to have t-shirts that are the same and display who we are as a group. Baker Turf Supply will be making our green shirts with SS Peter and Paul Catholic School logo with a cross outlined in black. The name of the school will be in white.
When students go on a field trip they will be required to wear these shirts. It will identify who we are and what great behavior our students show to others. Also at various times, I would like to have a spirit day when I can say students need to wear their spirit t-shirt and jeans. The cost of the t-shirts will be $5.50 per t-shirt. Each student Pre-school – 8 will be required to purchase a t-shirt. Please fill out the form and return it to the school office. Parents and grandparents may also purchase a t-shirt.

Italian Fest Parade: Please fill out the form in the Friday Folder if you and your child would like to walk in the Italian Festival Parade on September 22, 2018. We would like for as many students, parents, faculty, and staff to represent SS Peter and Paul Catholic School as possible. More details as to where we will meet and the time will be sent home at a later date.

Father John’s Birthday: Father John’s birthday is on September 11th and we will celebrate it with him at Mass. We will be collecting student donations for a gift for him from the students. You can send the money in an envelope marked Father John to the office. We need all donations in by September 7th. Thank you.

Pick-up Procedures: Thank you parents and grandparents who so graciously drive where we direct you. We need to have four rows of cars in the pick-up area. If you are still parking on Morris Street, please for the safety of your child, meet your child/children on the school side and walk them across the road. It is too dangerous to let them cross alone.

Trivia: At the School Council meeting last Tuesday it was voted on that we would NOT have Trivia at this time (September 15). No one had volunteered to be the chairperson and after much discussion, the event has been cancelled.

Looking forward to seeing you and your family at the 10:30 Mass on Sunday and then for the BBQ.

Blessings to you and your family,

Miss Patricia Kirk, Principal
SS Peter and Paul Catholic School