Dear Parents,
This is just one of the many great reasons Christmas at Ss Peter and Paul Catholic School is so special! The second graders were in art today and this is what they made:

Vincent van Gogh’s Starry Night

Second Grade Students
in Mrs. Campbell’s art class show their
version of Vincent van Gogh’s painting “Starry Night”.
Rosary –
Parents/Grandparents and friends are welcome to attend our school Rosary in church on Tuesday, December 18th at 1:40 p.m.
Christmas Families Gifts – On Monday students, teachers, and parents, will be wrapping the many gifts you have so graciously given to our Christmas Families!! With your kindness I am sure you will bring much joy to these families. Thank you so very much!
End of Second Quarter/First Semester – I can hardly believe that we are ending the First Semester. Report cards will be sent home in the Friday Folders on January 11th. We will have our Honor Roll Mass on this day also.
Friday Folders will be going home on THURSDAY of this week. That way we will have them back before Christmas break and you will not have to worry about getting them back on a Monday after 12 days off.
Early dismissal will be at 11:15 a.m. on Friday, December 15th. Classroom Christmas parties will be held this day. Please check with your son or daughter’s teacher as to what time their party will start.
Wishing you much peace, as you come closer to that very special day when Christ will be born into our hearts again.
Miss Kirk