Dear Parents,
We are facing another winter snow event. Whenever I get the information from Collinsville School District, I inform you as soon as possible. Those of you that have children in this district most likely get that information before I do. Last night I never got the information until a parent who has a child in the Collinsville District told me about it. I have heard that I need to get it to you sooner. I am sorry but I do get it to you as soon as I can.
Registration for the coming school year: This year we will be having meetings for parents of each grade level to explain the increase in tuition, tithing, and our requirements for the fundraising events that help support our school. A member of the finance board, school board, Parents and Friends board and I will be present to explain how this will help the school and establish stronger family support for all. At this meeting, you will get a packet that will have your registration forms included. This is the only way you will be able to register for the next school year. Therefore, one or both parents must attend these meetings. Babysitting will be available for these meetings. For attendance purposes, please follow the guideline below.
February 21st – Parents of Grades 3 and 4
February 25th – Parents of Grades K and 5
March 5th – Parents of Grades 1 and 6
March 13th – Parents of Grades 2 and 7
March 18th – Parents of Pre-School and New Families
In looking at the above dates, we were mindful of games so the dates are when there are no games scheduled for that night. The Feb 21st meeting will be in the eighth grade room but all the rest will be in Fellowship Hall. The meetings will begin at 6:30 pm. Looking forward to meeting with you.

Congratulations to MaKenna W, Hannah E, and Matthew F for winning the VFW essay contest on “What the American Flag Means to Me.” At the local level, MacKenna won first place, Hannah won second place, and Matthew won third place. Matthew then placed second at the District level and received a medallion. On Tuesday, all three were awarded certificates and a monetary gift for their efforts.
Results from the 2019 Knights of Columbus Council 1712 District Free Throw Competition held on Wednesday, February 6th
SSPP had winners in 3 of the 5 divisions!
9-year-old division: Tyler S., 11-year-old division: Joanne P., 12-year-old division: Ella G.
Congratulations to these outstanding Free Throw winners!
Mission Carnival – This year we will have a Mission Carnival in the gym on Friday, March 1st from 12:30 to 2 pm. All are invited. We are in need of help from each grade level to help with a game for the students to play. Parents or grandparents will need to come and set up the game in the gym and help with it during the time given. Please consider signing up for this event. Contact Samantha Frawley for more information. It will be a time for the students to enjoy fun and food before Lent begins.
Iowa Basic Testing – Students in grades 3 – 8 are scheduled for the Iowa Basic Tests during the weeks of March 5 – March 15. It is very important for your students to be in attendance these weeks. Doctor or dentist appointments should NOT be made during the testing weeks. Any missed tests will be taken AFTER school. More information will be coming in next week’s news.
Wishing you and your family a safe and happy President’s Day.
Miss Kirk