Dear Parents,
Winter arrived Friday and I am sure many of the students were excited about playing in the snow! Enjoy the beauty of the snow but know that we will be keeping you in our prayers as you travel to and from work.
The Three Kings:
Dominic V., David L., and Matthew F.

Catholic Schools Week: Please see the flyer that is enclosed in today’s Friday

Student of the Month:
We are proud to announce
the students who were honored
as Student of the Month for December’s virtue of Giving.
First Row: Anna G., Zada C., Kaleb P.,
Ava B., Kelea G.,
Second Row: Dominic V., Bridget R., Kaylee C., Faith K.
Alpha: A new ministry began Sunday January 13th in Fellowship Hall. It is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. The event began with a shared meal, followed by a short video on our faith and then small group conversations. If you were not able to attend and would like to know more about this event, please contact Chip Awalt at 314-607-2109.
Second Quarter Honor Roll

Principal’s Honors – (All A’s)
Mary-Elizabeth B, Matthew F, Lily J,
Jenna S, Mindy S, Landon B, Emma B,
Katie B, Hannah E, Robert F, Christopher G, Ella G, Livia M, Hannah S, John T,
Lyle B, Vimal B, Sydney C, Eric D, Christopher M, Katie S, Keegan V, Kaylee C,
Joanne P, Matthew R, Lucas R, William S, Kolin W, Gracie W, Isaac W.

High Honors – (All A’s 1B)
James C, Gabi L, Joseph R, Jordan W, Molly R, Kai G, Khase G, Sophia K,
Trevor K, Daniel W, August K, Natalie P.

Honors – (All A’s 2 B’s)
Wyatt B, Andrew D, Sean B, Faith K, Kylie L, Jenna G, Bridget R, Gabe F,
Abby R, Ty S, Emily T.
Griffin Night – Tuesday, January 15th from 6:30 – 8 pm all incoming 8th graders
are invited to join current students and staff for their first Griffin Night of 2019. Enjoy an evening filled with games, food and fun as you meet your future classmates! The event will be held
at Father MCGivney in the Griffin’s Nest.
Blessing to your family,
Miss Kirk