Dear Parents,
Registration forms were due to the office on March 15th. For those attending the last Class Parent Meeting on Monday, March 18th, 2019, please return your forms as soon as possible but at least by Friday, March 22nd. If you have not attended one of these meetings PLEASE try to attend this last meeting.
Amazon Account Did you know that you could make money for SS Peter and Paul Catholic School by shopping Amazon? Amazon operates the website with the same products, prices, shopping features as The difference is that when you shop a AmazonSmile, the Amazon Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of the eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice. If you already have an Amazon account, just simply go to and login to your account. You will be prompted to search and choose the organization of your choice to receive the donations. Please help support our school by searching and selecting SS Peter and Paul School (make sure it’s the Collinsville, Illinois location). You can also follow this link to sign up. Thank you for your continued support for our school!
Congratulations to the students who participated in the Illinois Grade School Music Association District Solo and Ensemble Contest last Saturday. Students receiving a
First Rating are Emily T – Flute solo, Lily J. – Flute solo, Joanne P. – Saxophone and Piano solo, Kai G. – Trumpet solo, Ginna L. – Trumpet solo, Will S. – Trumpet solo, Skyla A. – Piano solo, Elsa B. – Piano solo, Lyle B. – Piano solo, Wyatt B. – Snare Drum solo and Snare Drum duet, Livia M. – Snare Drum solo and Snare Drum duet.
Students receiving a Second Rating are Kolin W. – Trombone solo, Marlaina G. – Clarinet duet, Faith K. – Clarinet duet. Great job musicians!
Congratulations to our February Students of the Month!

Row 1 – John P, Aldo H, Kaylin R, Camilo M
Row 2 – Bram R, Ava G, Lucas Z, Katie B, Matthew F
Save the Date – Friday, May 10, 2019 for SSPP’s Annual Golf Outing at Stonewolf Golf Club
Schedule of events:
10:00 a.m. Driving Range
10:30 a.m. Lunch and Check-in
12:00 P.M. Shotgun Start
4:45 P.M. Dinner and Awards
Entry Fee of $120.00 (includes 18 holes of golf with a cart, use of locker room, driving range, lunch and dinner, on-course beer and soft drinks, gifts, skins, mulligans & cash awards – Top 2 flights.)
What an enjoyable day this could be with a group of friends!
Free Math Tutoring Available – Mrs. Mary Beth Wilson (Parent of SSPP graduates Sam 2012 & Andy 2018) who offered her math skills last year, is willing to return for free tutoring on Wednesdays from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. at SSPP beginning March 20th. If you would like to have your child participate, please contact me so that I might tell her as to how many students she will have.
Many Thanks to the K of C benefit breakfast for the Eight Grade Mystery Trip! The proceeds from the breakfast were $310.19 and the K of C 4th Degree matched that amount! Thanks to all the eighth grade parents and students who helped work this event.
Pictured here is Mindy S, an eighth grade student with her mother accepting the check from Mike Guithues and Marty Clancy from the K of C.

Praying that your Lenten season of drawing closer to Jesus and His love for you is doing well.
Miss Kirk