Dear Parents,
Registration forms are due now. Please return your registration form for enrollment for the school year of 2019-2020. Many thanks to the parents that have returned the enrollment form.
HATS OFF to the seventh graders for passing their Federal Constitution test and
to the eighth graders for passing their State Constitution test.
Congratulations to both the girls and boys bowling team for a job well done this season.
Girl’s Bowling Team
– Girls Varsity team got 2nd place in their division with a 37-13 record.
– Girls Junior Varsity team got 2nd place in their division 34-16 record.
– Girls team got 6th place at the state finals.
Individual Bowlers
– Livia Montgomery got 6th place at the end of the year handicap tournament.
– JoAnne Plames got 27th place individually at the state finals, the highest placing 5th grade girl, averaging 143.

Boy’s Bowling Team
– Boys team got 10th place at the state finals.
– Alaric Boley got 10th place at the end of the year scratch tournament.
– Matthew Falbe got 2nd place at the end of the year handicap tournament.
– Jack Starr got 13th place at the end of the year handicap tournament.
– Alaric Boley got 6th place individually at the regional finals averaging 207.
– Alaric Boley got 11th place individually at the state finals averaging 189.

NEEDED: If anyone has a cot that they are not using and would like to
donate it to school, we would appreciate it. There are time
when a student does not feel well and just needs to lay down
for a few minutes.
Grandparent’s Day – This year we will be celebrating Grandparent’s
Day on April 26th with May Crowning. Please tell
your grandparents to save the date. More
information on the time will be sent out later.
Dad’s Mass – Our Dad’s Mass will be Wednesday, May 1st . Mark the
date so you will be able to attend Mass with us.
Third Quarter Honor Roll Students
Principal’s Honors: Mary-Elizabeth B, James C, Matthew F, Lily J,
John R, Jenna S, Mindy S, Jordan W, Landon B, Katie B, Hannah E,
Christopher G, Molly R, Hannah S, John T, Lyle B, Vimal B, Sydney C,
Eric D, Khase G, Bridget R, Keegan V, Kaylee C, Joanne P, Natalie P,
Matthew R, Lucas R, William S, Gracie W, Isaac W, Skyla A, Mya C,
Tara D, Gaby D, Allyson R, Bram R, Owen W.

High Honors: Andrew D, Gabi L, Savannah M, Joey R, Emma B,
Robert F, Faith K, Livia M, Kai G, Jenna G, Chris M,
Daniel W, Kolin W, Elsa B, Miles C, Liam G, Jacob R, Jacob S, Will T.

Honors: Wyatt B, Landen B, Ella G, Sean B, Ellis K, Sophia K,
Katie S, Gabe F, August K, Abby R, Alaina F.
Congratulations to our Students of the Month for February

Row 1: John P, Aldo H, Kaylin R, Camilo M
Row 2: Bram R, Ava G, Lucas Z, Katie B,
Matthew F.
Have a good week-end.
Miss Kirk