Dear Parents,
Enclosed in the Friday Folder are Mid-Quarter Reports. It is a notice to let you know where your child is standing grade wise. Students have about 4 weeks to keep their grades up or to improve their grades. Parents need to sign the Mid-Quarter Report and return it in the Friday Folders.
Looking for a Part-Time Aide – If you know of someone who is in need of a part-time job, I am looking for a part-time aide in the mornings for five days a week. Please have the person contact me.
Third Grade Parent Meeting – Just a reminder to all our third grade parents to attend the meeting on Sunday, Sept. 16th after the 10:30 mass in Fellowship Hall. The topic is on Confirmation.
Half Day Dismissal – Students will be dismissed on Friday, September 21st at 11:15 am because of the Italian Festival and Unit 10 being a half day.
Father’s Birthday Present – On Tuesday the students presented Father John with a black vest with Ss Peter and Paul Catholic Church embroidered on it, a card with $100.00, and a Children of the World stole. Thank you for your donation allowing the students to gift Father John with a surprise. Yesterday at lunch Father John cut his birthday cake and shared it with the students.
Congratulations – To Mrs. Shank, our third grade teacher, for winning $500.00 for her classroom and 500 Bonus Points for her Scholastic Book Club account. She entered a contest at the beginning of the school year, explaining how she would develop a reading corner in her room. Congratulations, Mrs. Shank. We are proud of you!
Green Shirts – We are sending the green shirts home today with the students who have ordered them. They are very nice . Many thanks to Ms. VandeRiet for making them for us.
Italian Festival Parade – I have received word as to where we are lining up for the Italian Festival Parade. The parade line-up is on Hesperia. We then will proceed to Main to Seminary; North on Seminary to Clay; west on Clay back to Hesperia. Please be in line by 3:45 pm. I am excited about this. Thank you to the students and to the parents who will be participating in the parade to represent Ss Peter and Paul Catholic School. If you still want to be in the parade just come and line up with us. We would love to have you. Enclosed you will find a map that will tell you where we are in the line-up. We are # 19. Wear your green shirts!!
Wishing you a great weekend!
Peace and blessings to you,
Miss Kirk