April 6, 2018 Backpack News

In order to guarantee your student’s placement for 2018-2019, submit your registration information and 
fee to the office NOW. Beginning April 2, 2018, we will open registration up to new students. 


Sunday, April 8 Honor Roll presentation after 10:30 a.m. Mass **THIS WEEKEND**

Monday, April 9 PK Field Trip, Fr McGivney Spelling Bee 7 p.m.

Thursday, April 12 6th Grade Field Trip, Book Club 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Friday, April 13 4th Grade Field Trip, Student of the Month after 8:15 a.m. Mass
Glo Bingo – See more information below

Saturday, April 14 Mani-Pedi Day (Party Central Event from Auction)

Tuesday, April 17 7th Grade Field Trip

Wednesday, April 18 3rd Grade Field Trip

Thursday, April 19 2nd Grade Field Trip

Tuesday, April 24 Family Reading Night & Book Fair 6:30-8 p.m.

Thursday, April 26 5th Grade Field Trip, Engineering Club 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Saturday, April 28 Buzzy Dance Camp 9 – 11:30 a.m., Young Authors Conference,
School Choir will sing at 4:30 p.m. Mass

Monday, April 30 Kindergarten & 1st Grade Field Trips

Spring Pictures! 
Select your favorites and pay for your spring pictures at mylifetouch.com. Use your Portrait ID and Access Code located in your portrait package. Please return any un-purchased portraits to school.

This event is a perfect opportunity to get together with friends (or make new ones!)! Get a table together with other class parents, family, and friends and have fun!

Of course, we cannot pull off a successful event without a little help from you. We are currently looking for bingo round sponsors ($100), donations (gift cards, event tickets such as Blues/Fox Theatre, silent auction baskets, Lottery tickets, gardening items, kids Crayola items, etc). A wheel barrow has been donated, so let’s fill it up with unopened bottles of booze & mixers. Items may be dropped off at the school office or contact Sarah Mossa at 618-420-9728 to make arrangements for pick up.

Volunteers will also be needed the night before the event for set up and the night of the event.

Reservation & Class Contest forms are in your student’s Friday Folder this week. You may also register online at sspeter-paulschool.org/glo-bingo/.

Thank you, in advance, for your support of this fundraiser! It is sure to be a FUN event! We hope to see you there!! Sarah Mossa, Susannah Arana, & Kandi Unfried GLO BINGO co-chairs

Schnucks Giving Bag!! 
Schnucks is giving back to SSPP! Every Giving Bag that is sold at 501 Belt Line Road, Collinsville, during the month of April will generate $1 donation to support our school.

Thank you! 
Edwardsville Knights of Columbus Council 1143 recently donated $200 from their Fall collection (Tootsie Roll Drive) to SSPP. We thank them for their support!

Uniform coupons 
Catholic Supply of St. Louis, 6759 Chippewa Street, St. Louis MO 63109 is having School Uniform Ordering Week, April 9-14, 2018, in store and online! The school office has physical coupons for 10% off and free shipping (orders $75 or more) or use coupon code SPPC at checkout to receive your discount. Take $10 off of online orders of $60 or more with the coupon code SPRING at checkout. For more information, visit www.shop.catholicsupply.com/SPPC or call 314-644-0643.

Party Central Events (See Fast Direct Message dated 3/14/2018): 
Spaces are still available for the following events. If you have any questions on how to register or would like to participate in any of these events, please contact Greta Gutjahr via Fast Direct.
Saturday, April 14th – Girls Mani- Pedi Day $25 per participant
Saturday, April 28th – Buzzy Dance Camp $25 per participant

Events still being scheduled: 
Uptown Collinsville Pub Crawl – $25 per participant (Limited spaces are available)
Night at the Races – $10 per participant (Limited spaces are available)
Girls Night In – $20 per participant (Spaces are still available)
Grafton Wine Tour – $25 per participant (Spaces are still available)

Summer Info: 
A flyer for Marquette Catholic High School’s Camp Like an Explorer is included in your student’s Friday Folder this week. You may also access information at www.marquettecatholic.org/summercamps

Summer Enrichment Academy at SLUH: Offering courses for rising 7th and 8th graders in math, science, writing, and improv. The courses are fun and intellectually stimulating. Students can take one, two, or three courses, for two or four weeks, from June 11 to July 6. The program is open to boys and girls, and it is a great way of getting a taste of what SLUH has to offer. For more information, visit the website: www.sluh.org/academics/summer-programs/summer-enrichment-academy-sea

Inserts in today’s Friday Folders: Glo Bingo Reservations, Glo Bingo Class Contest, Marquette Summer Camps (K-8), Church Bulletin (oldest/only), Band Schedule, Lifetouch Return Picture Reminders, Summer Server Request, Parents & Friends flyer