Backpack News

Important Dates
Wed, November 11
Veteran’s Day Holiday – No School

Friday, November 13
Yearbook Picture Retake

Sat, November 14
SSPP School Auction

Thursday, November 19
6th Grade Bake Sale

Tuesday, November 17
Papa John’s Pizza Night

Wed-Fri, Nov 25-27
Thanksgiving Day Holiday Break

Yearbook Picture Re-take day
Friday, November 13th, starting around 9 a.m. until finished. If you would like your student’s picture retaken for the yearbook and need a form, please send a message to the office, or have your student stop by the office for a new form.
You will also need to return your original pictures either that day or earlier.

Auction News
If you did not send in your RSVP but would like to attend the auction, please contact Mary Boehne immediately as space is very limited at this point. You will be put on a waitlist temporarily, to be notified ASAP if there is table space remaining.

Thank You to everyone who donated items and baskets for the silent and live auction! You can still send in your donations of beer, liquor, and mixed drink components to the school office (via an adult) for the Cooler of Spirits.

We are in need of more Volunteers to help set up the hall the night before the auction (Friday night, Nov. 13th). We need to be able to plan our thoughts and assign you a specific task, so please let Mary Boehne know if you can help out. We also need a few more volunteers to sell raffle tickets during the auction on Saturday, Nov. 14th. This is a fun and easy job that we do in shifts. It doesn’t take all night, and you can do it with a friend. If you can help, please contact Jessica Runnalls or Kat Marchetti. Thank you!

Student Council News
Student Council is sponsoring a dress down and Wacky Tie Day on Friday, November 13. Cost is $1. The classroom with the highest percentage of participation with ties will get an additional dress down day.

Boy Scout Troop 1086 Spaghetti Dinner
Saturday, Nov 7th 5:30-8:00pm at the Fairview Heights Elks, 9480 Old Lincoln Trial, Fairview Heights, IL $10 Adults, $5 kids ages 4-12yrs old, FREE for 3 and under. Pre-tickets sales contact Matt Wilde or at the door.

Fr. McGivney Catholic High School Open House
All interested families are invited to come and check out what McGivney has to offer for high school. The Fall Open House will be on Sunday, November 8th from 1-3 p.m. Student ambassadors will lead groups on tours, teachers will be available for curriculum and technology demonstrations, and faculty and staff will be available for questions.

8th Grade Testing/Fall Placement Exam
Fr. McGivney High School will hold the ASPIRE test on Saturday, November 21st at 8 a.m. Please use the form at to reserve your student’s seat. A free breakfast will be available for all prospective 8th grade parents at the same time as the test. For more information, please contact the Development Office at 618-955-9010 or e-mail at

Inserts Friday Folder
Wacky Tie Dress Down Day (oldest/only)
Visit with Santa (PK-3)
Altar Server Letter from Fr. John (4th Grade)
Fr. McGivney Open House Invitation (6-8)
Band Schedule

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