Backpack News.

Important Dates
Wed-Fri, Nov 25-27
Thanksgiving Day Holiday Break

Tuesday, December 1
Christmas Program 6:30 p.m.

Friday, December 4
Student of the Month after 8:15 a.m. Mass

Tuesday, December 8
Advent Rosary 1:40 p.m.

Wednesday, December 9
2nd Grade First Reconciliation & Parish Reconciliation 6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, December 15
Advent School Reconciliation Service 12:30 p.m.

Friday, December 18
End of 2nd Quarter, Early Dismissal 11:15 a.m., NO P.M. BUS


Auction News
We have limited openings for some of the party central items offered at the auction. See your inserts in this weeks’ Friday folder for details of parties that are available. Please contact the Auction Committee if interested in participating. Checks payable to SSPP School Auction and sent to the office in an envelope marked Party Central. The deadline to sign up is December 2nd and payment is due then also.

Santa’s Kottage
Santa’s Kottage is looking for donations of tape, wrapping paper & small gift bags (paper lunch bag size). If you are able to, please send your donations to the school office. Also, if you are able to help with set up (Saturday 12/5), preview (Tuesday 12/8) or sale day (Wednesday 12/9), please message Trina Rauk or Kelley Gaither via Fast Direct.

Holiday Nuts
Holiday Nuts are here. Pecan Halves, Pecan Pieces, Cashews, Mixed Nuts & English Walnuts.
A limited amount of Black Walnuts, Sliced Almonds, & Toasted/Salted Pecan Halves will also be available. $10 each for 1 pound bag – Fresh Crop from Georgia’s Thames Pecan Company.
See LouAnne before/after all Masses in the back of Church or stop by the school office.
Net proceeds will be donated to the Annual Fund and to the 8th Grade Chicago Trip.

Papa John’s Offer
Papa John’s is so thankful for the partnerships that we have with so many wonderful schools in the community that we would like to share a Special Deal with you over the next 10 days during the Thanksgiving Break…..50% off orders!! Great option for Wednesday when cooking for the big day and after Thanksgiving when we cannot stomach anymore turkey!! Offer is valid today through November 29, 2015. Use Promo Code DM50

Box Tops Collection
Many thanks to Dee Gurley and Trina Rauk for processing our Box Tops collection.
SSPP collected over 6000 box tops. Mrs. Buehler’s 5th grade class wins a pizza party for the highest percentage collected = over 2000 box tops.  Thanks to everyone who sent them in!!!

Save the Date
SSPP invites you to shop at Five Below in Fairview Heights from Dec 7-11. A flyer will be coming home after Thanksgiving. You must have the flyer for SSPP to receive 10% of your purchases.

Inserts in Friday Folders
Band Schedule (4-8)
Party Centrals
8th Grade Gift Card Tree Raffle
Auction Receipts

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