Backpack News

Important Dates
Tuesday, January 26
Student Council Meeting 2:30-3 p.m.

Friday, January 29
Cosmic Glo Bingo Fundraiser

Saturday, January 30
School Choir to sing at 4:30 p.m. Mass

Catholic Schools Week
January 31 thru February 5 (more details below)

Friday, February 5
Student of the Month after 8:15 a.m. Mass

Tuesday, February 9
1st & 2nd grade bake sale

Wednesday, February 10
Ash Wednesday

Monday, February 15
NO SCHOOL, President’s Day

Thursday, February 25
Lifetouch Spring Pictures (no re-takes)

Saturday, February 27
SSPP Trivia

Glo/Cosmic Bingo
1 week and counting to GLO Bingo! Ways you can help:
1) Reserve a table and come play! There is plenty of room left!! $20 now, $25 that night.
2) Buy a chance for a Kate Spade Wallet FILLED with Gift Cards ($300+ value)
3) Sponsor a round – Name/Business will be announced during round and included in program
4) Donate a basket, gift cards, lottery tickets
5) Donate $10 for your child’s class round and receive a dress down pass for your child, an exclusive SSPP Glow Bracelet and participation points towards a “Cosmic Pizza Party”

A HUGE THANKS to all that have made donations so far! It takes a village when it comes to helping the SSPP students and your efforts are both acknowledged and appreciated!
Hope to see you all on the 29th!! (Set up will begin at noon, if you are able to help. The bulk of set up is carrying tables & chairs up from the cafeteria to the gym, so eat your Wheaties that morning! We will also be covering tables & decorating the gym with GLO decorations. Please message Maggie Grotefendt if you are able to help. THANKS!!!)

Student Council
Next Tuesday (January 26th) there will be a student council meeting at 2:30-3:00 p.m. in Ms. Christian’s math room. We will be finalizing plans for Catholic School Week. Attendance is very important!

8th grade will be accepting donations in January for their Quartermania to be held Catholic Schools week (Feb.5). Please keep this in mind at Christmas if you have any leftover gifts that weren’t used. Thank You!

Super Bowl Board
Mr. Winterbottom will be running a Super Bowl board for this year’s Super Bowl with proceeds going towards the SSPP Athletic fund. Each square cost $20. The board will be available in the office during school hours or by contacting Mr. Winterbottom. Your winning numbers will be sent out through Fast Direct or by e-mail or can also be viewed in the office when it is completed. Winners will be paid in SCRIP and will be as follows: 1st Quarter – $200, Halftime – $400, 3rd Quarter – $200, and Final – $600. Thanks for your support of the SSPP Athletic Fund!

Catholic Schools Week
Sunday, Jan 31
School Board sponsored pizza party in school after 10:30 a.m. Mass,
Open House in school until 1 p.m.

Monday, Feb 1
Spelling Bee: K-4 9:30 a.m., 5-8 12:45 p.m.

Tuesday, Feb 2
Community Service Day
5th grade to City Hall, 4th & 8th to Police Dept, 6th & 7th to Fire Dept

Wednesday, Feb 3
Mass for St. Blaise/blessing of throats
Fredbird will visit 10 a.m.

Thursday, Feb 4
Class Wars 12:30 p.m.
K yellow, 1 light blue, 2 purple, 3 red, 4 pink, 5 orange, 6 maroon, 7 navy, 8 green

Friday, Feb 5
Quartermania sponsored by the 8th grade

SSPP Trivia Night, Saturday 2/21/15
SSPP Gym: Doors open at 5:30 p.m., Trivia starts at 6:30 p.m., cost is $100/Table of 8 or $15/person
1) We welcome all… please reach out to family and friends and put together a table or two.
2) Please consider a donation – each class will sponsor a trivia round
3) Please consider donations of gift cards, lottery cards, themed baskets, tickets etc. for the raffles.
4) Still looking for volunteers to help the night of the event – It’s a fun night!
Any Questions, fast direct Kelley Gaither, Mary Lowe, Maggie Grotefendt, or Renee Crowder

Parish Office Move
The Parish Office will be relocating to the first floor of Manning Hall next Wednesday,
January 27. The office will be closed for routine business on that day. For urgent matters, call 345-4343. The office will return to normal hours on January 28. The new address is 239 N. Morrison. Phone numbers are the same. There may be some interruption in school service as well.

Fridays Folders
Financial Statements
Band Schedule
St. Jude Math-a-thon (K-8)
Glo Bingo Class Sponsor Form
Jr. High Youth Group (7-8)