Important Dates
Sat-Mon, March 19-21
8th Grade Chicago Trip
Monday, March 21
No Chess Club
Thursday, March 24
Holy Thursday
No School or Latchkey
Begin Easter Break
7 p.m. Mass
Friday, March 25
Good Friday
No School or Latchkey
3 p.m. Service
Saturday, March 26
Holy Saturday
8:30 p.m. Vigil Mass
Sunday, March 27
Easter Sunday
8 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Masses
Monday, March 28
Easter Monday
No School or Latchkey
Tuesday, March 29
Classes resume
Friday, April 1
Honor Roll Awards after 8:15 a.m. Mass
Thursday, April 7
4th Grade Field Trip
Friday, April 8
March Student of the Month after 8:15 a.m. Mass
Monday, April 18
3rd Grade Field Trip
Thursday, April 21
6th Grade Field Trip
Sunday, April 24
Confirmation at 10:30 a.m. Mass
Safety News
The Collinsville Street Department has completed our crosswalk!! It is a solar¬-powered flashing light that will be activated by pushing a button. Please continue to use caution, making sure motorists stop before crossing.
On Saturday, March 12, students from SSPP participated in the Illinois Grade School Music Association District Solo & Ensemble Contest at Collidge Middle School in Granite City. Of the 20 events entered, 3 earned first superior rating, 16 earned first rating and 1Â earned second rating.
Phone Number Reminder
We are still in the process of switching phone systems. I would ask that you check your phone contact number to make sure that it is 618-344-5450. You may even want to reenter that number. We have been told that there is a back door number on the old system. Once we switch over completely, it will no longer work.
KC Breakfast
Join friends and family for the Knights of Columbus breakfast on Sunday, March 20, 2016,
9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This month’s breakfast will support The Knights of Columbus Development Center. Next month’s (April 17) breakfast will support SSPP School!
Chess Club Information
There will be NO Chess Club on Monday, March 21st.
Band Information
You will find 2 separate schedules in your student’s Friday Folder.
SSPP Annual Golf Tournament
To: ALL School Families – Golfers & Non-Golfers
What: SSPP 17th Annual Golf Tournament & Evening of Fun
When: Friday, May 13, 2016 Where: Stonewolf Golf Club – Fairview Heights, IL
Why: Money raised goes directly to our school – Meets our Fundraising Goal
How: Check out the link on our school website for details:
• Register for Golf – 4 person scramble and recruit other golfers
• Attend the evening – dinner, entertainment, silent auction
• Help raise money through obtaining sponsors and donations for silent auction.
Lenten Project & Scouting Food Drive
Thanks to a corporate donor the SOS Soup Kitchen received a pallet of granola bars! We are still collecting fruit cups and could also use lunch size paper bags or FOLD-OVER plastic sandwich bags. This collection is for the SOS Soup Kitchen as our Lenten project and to help Matthew Wilde with his Boy Scout Program. All donations should be brought to school by March 23rd or placed in the boxes marked at the entrances of Church.
Seussical the Musical
Presentation by CHS Drama Club. March 31-April 2, 7 p.m. at CHS Auditorium. Tickets are $5 in advance, $8 at the door. Kayla Oberkfell, SSPP graduate, will play a lead role.
Looking for a person (or 2) to volunteer to shadow/co-chair our Golf Scramble Event on 5/13/16. This is our school’s 2nd largest fundraiser. This is our 17th year hosting the event. We are able to raise funds, while having a very fun day! If you are interested, please fast direct Renee Crowder or call 918-9213.
Tab Top Tally
Save your aluminum tabs from soda/beer cans and turn in to the office. Last day for collection is Friday, April 8. Thanks!
SSPP received a Certificate of Sustainability from USAgain for 2015. We recycled 22,649 pounds of textiles with the following environmental impacts: Saved enough water to supply 376 homes for a year, prevented CO2 emissions equivalent to a car driving 284,677 miles, and avoided 130 cubic yards of landfill waste. Thank You for Recycling.
Friday Folder
Band Schedules
Altar Server Schedule
CASA Soccer Sign Up
SSPP Golf Registration form & Participation/Pizza Party Form
Altar Servers for Summer form