Principal’s Notes

Please read the message at the end of the notes about pick-up next week.

Last Thursday’s Belleville News-Democrat ran a great editorial entitled “True heroes never want to be called heroes”. It specifically mentions our SSPP parent Mike Bauer, but rings true for all first responders. For those of you who did not see it, I thought I would share the last paragraph.

“As we all ponder the role of police officers in our communities, our ability to trust them and the need to attach body cameras, we should also remember the extraordinary sacrifices they could be asked to make at any moment. It is a good thing we don’t need to merit their trust before we ask them to run into a burning house to save us.” Thank you to all first responders and our continued prayers for your safety!

I want to thank all who have registered for next year. If you have not indicated whether or not your child is returning, you will receive a message checking on their status. We are happy to welcome four new families for next year. We still have room to grow.

Our last day of school will be Wednesday, May 18th. It will be an 11:15 dismissal.

Kudos To
Our third quarter honor roll students, including our first time 4th graders.
Our 4th grade student teacher, Ms. Cuthbert, who will start a teaching assignment near her hometown of Nauvoo next year.

Asbestos Removal
Asbestos removal in the old parish office starts next Monday. There has been a change in the location of the dumpster, so we will be able to enter and pick up at the east doors as usual. Just be aware that this could change again, but for now, dismissal will remain the same.