Backpack News

Important Dates
Saturday, April 16
Speech Meet
School Choir to sing at 4:30 p.m. Mass

Sunday, April 17
KC Breakfast to support SSPP School

Monday, April 18
3rd Grade Field Trip

Wednesday, April 20
5th Grade Bake Sale

Thursday, April 21
6th Grade Field Trip
Confirmation Rehearsal 6:45 p.m.

Friday, April 22
PK Field Trip

Saturday, April 23
Young Author’s Conference

Sunday, April 24
Confirmation at 10:30 a.m. Mass

Monday, April 25
1st Grade Field Trip

Tuesday, April 26
2nd Grade Field Trip
PGC Class, 6:30-9:30 p.m. in Morris Hall

Wednesday, April 27
7th Grade Field Trip

Thursday, April 28
5th Grade Field Trip

Friday, April 29
5th Grade Retreat
Last day for SchoolKidz Supply Orders

SSPP Annual Golf Tournament
What: SSPP 17th Annual Golf Tournament & Evening of Fun
When: Friday, May 13, 2016
Where: Stonewolf Golf Club – Fairview Heights, IL
Why: Money raised goes directly to our school – Meets our Fundraising Goal
How: Check out the link on our school website for details:
• Register for Golf – 4 person scramble and recruit other golfers
• Attend the evening – dinner, entertainment, silent auction
• Help raise money through obtaining sponsors and donations for silent auction

Keith Urban  6/3/16 Concert Raffle
Winner will be drawn at SSPP Golf Tournament – Do NOT need to be present to win…$5/1 or $10/3 entries. Two AWESOME seats – Center Stage!! Share with friends and family. Feel free to request extra entry forms. Collect entries and submit to school office by 5/12/16.

Looking for a person (or 2) to volunteer to shadow/co-chair our Golf Scramble Event on 5/13/16. This is our school’s 2nd largest fundraiser. This is our 17th year hosting the event. We are able to raise funds, while having a very fun day! If you are interested, please fast direct Renee Crowder or call 918-9213.

ANY parent/guardian who may coach, want to be a field trip chaperone, classroom helper (room parent), playground supervisor or lunch helper MUST complete the Protecting God’s Children program plus have a Background Check processed. This is in accordance with the Safe Environment policy of the Springfield Diocese. We may be contacting you to resubmit a background check as they are good for only 5 years.

SSPP will be holding a session on Tuesday, April 26, 6:30-9:30 p.m. in Morris Hall

Class Art Projects for Sale – Spring 2016 (K-4th grade only this year)
Kdg: Angel Photo Frame $20, 1: Praying Hands $20, 2: Coiled Clay Bowl $15, 3: Mosaic Clay Pot $20,
4: Family Photo Coasters (Set of 4) $20

School Calendar 2016-2017
A short version of the school calendar will be in your student’s Friday Folder. A more detailed calendar will be included in your student’s summer registration packet.

Tab Top Thank you
SSPP collected over 83 lbs of tab tops resulting in a check for $25.02 from Highland Recycling.

May Maid Events
Candy Sales every Friday during school lunch. Items are $.50 to $1.

Tickets for the May Maid Dance are $2 if purchased prior to the event (See Dakota Shaver or Matthew Wilde or during candy sale). Tickets are $3 on the day of the dance May 7, 2016.

Mouse Race s, Friday, April 22, Time 6-10pm, at the Polish American War Veterans Hall-Caseyville
Contact Maria Bieser 593-2531 or Georgia Wilde 514-1975 for more information
$15 per person or $25 per couple, food, prizes, 50/50 , Roulette Wheel. Bring your own snacks. Cash bar

Fr. McGivney News
APRIL IS 7th GRADE SHADOW MONTH! If you have a 7th grader interested in McGivney, be sure to visit and print a form to schedule a shadow day. A Shadow Day is a great way for interested students to experience McGivney first hand. Students are paired with a freshman ambassador, issued a laptop for the day, and lunch is on us! They are encouraged to participate in class, use our technology, meet new people, have fun in PE, and be as much of a Griffin as they want to be for the day. Following the Shadow Day, parents and students will have the opportunity to sit down with Principal Scholz for a brief meeting to talk about the day and the school. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school at 618-855-9010.

SSPP graduate, Lexi Horras, won a $1,000 Go St. Louis scholarship. She had to write an essay about running, maintain good grades, have a letter of reference, put in 20 weeks of training, then had to run the GO St Louis half marathon. Lexi will be honored at the Go St. Louis awards dinner in early May.

Friday Folder
Band Schedule
Buzzy Class Picture Order Form (K-8)
Soccer Registration Form
2016-2017 school calendar
Golden Boy Bailey Launch Party
Keith Urban Raffle Tickets
KC Breakfast flyer