Dear Parents,
Wishing you the blessings of peace, love, and joy this Christmas! My gift to you is a Mass for your intentions to be said on
Sunday, January 27, 2019, at the 8:00 a.m. Mass.
Empower Illinois – 2019-2020 Tax Credit Scholarship Applications open on Tuesday, January 15, 2019, at 7 p.m. In your student’s folders today is all of the information that you need to know about this great offer! Empower IL is a statewide scholarship program that was started in 2017 to help families with the cost of tuition for grades K-12. For the 2018-2019 school year, this scholarship program helped 10 of our SSPP families with awards totaling $47,730! We encourage everyone to apply for this wonderful opportunity for our students and their families. Please, parents, take advantage of this program to help pay for your son or daughter’s Catholic education. If you have any questions please contact Michelle Trimble at the Parish office. She will be most happy to help you.
Student Pick-up Change Beginning Thursday, January 3, 2019!!
The Pick-up procedure will be in the same area—just parking in the opposite direction. Cars will have three ways to exit and not get held up by the light on Route 159. Diagrams have been given to drivers and are also included in the Friday Folder.
Christmas Families: The people from St. Vincent de Paul came to pick up our Christmas Family gifts. They were so pleased and kept telling us how the members of the family will be
so happy. Many said to us that we have made their Christmas by doing this kindness.

I was very touched by how grades 1 – 8 worked so well together in wrapping the gifts for the families. As we finished, some tables began singing Christmas carols. What
a wonderful way to begin the Christmas spirit! Thank you so very much SSPP parents and students for giving to others! You are the BEST!
Catholic Schools Week: January 27th – February 1st
I will be sending more detailed information for each day in January.
Here are the themes for each day: Sunday, Celebrating with our Parish, Monday, Celebrating with our Students, Tuesday, Celebrating with our Volunteers, Wednesday, Celebrating with our Teachers, Thursday, Celebrating with our Parents, and Friday, Celebrating our Catholic Knowledge.
Wishing you a blessed Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Miss Kirk