Principal’s Pen February 22, 2019

Dear Parents,

Registration for the coming school year, 2019 – 2020.

Our first registration meeting was last night.  It was a good meeting!  Many thanks to the parents that attended.  As I stated in last week’s news, we will be having meetings for parents of each grade level to explain the increase in tuition, stewardship and tithing, and hour requirements for the fundraising events that help support our school.  At this meeting, you will get a packet that will have your registration forms included.  This is the only way you will be able to register for the next school year.  Therefore, one or both parents must attend these meetings.  There will be babysitting provided for these meeting if that would cause you not to be able to attend.  Parents of current grades: 

                                February 25th – Parents of Grades K and 5

                                March 5th – Parents of Grades 1 and 6

                                March 13th – Parents of Grades 2 and 7

                                March 18th – Parents of Pre-School and New Families

All meetings will be held in Fellowship Hall at 6:30 pm. 

Iowa Basic Testing – Students in grades 3 – 8 are scheduled for the Iowa Basic Tests.  Testing will be done in the mornings from March 5 – March 15.  It is very important that doctor or dentist appointments not be made during the testing.  If a child misses testing, he or she must make it up and it is very hard on a student to do missed tests after school.  All missed tests will taken after school

Positive Test-Taking Attitude:

Testing will be done in the mornings.  We will keep the normal special classes.  There will be no subject tests while we are testing. 

Five Ways To Be A Test-Taking Superhero:

  1. Power up with a healthy breakfast in the morning of the tests.
  2. Get plenty of sleep the night before the tests.
  3. Soaring into school on time.
  4. Fight test stress by taking deep breaths.
  5. Activate positive thoughts and believe in yourself. You can do it!

Mission Carnival – Our Mission Carnival will be in the gym on Friday, March 1st from noon to 2 pm.  Plans are developing very nicely.  Many thanks to the parents that have volunteered to help with a game or with food.  We are still in need of someone from seventh grade to help with a game.  Please contact Mrs. Frawley for more information.   Please see the enclosed orange sheet in the Friday’s Folder.  It will be a time for the students to enjoy fun and food before Lent begins.

Have a great weekend.  Enjoy the weather… no snow this weekend they say.


Miss Kirk