Dear Parents,
We are around 88% of completion for signups with Parent/Teacher Conferences for November 1st and 2nd. If you have not yet signed up for your conference please do so this coming week. Thanks to those who have already signed up!
Today Father John spoke to the students about being missionaries. On Monday, October 15th our sixth grade class represented Ss Peter and Paul at the Mission Mass for the Diocese of Springfield Illinois. In talking to them about the experience, they excitedly said it was “Awesome!” Many thanks to the parents that helped drive to Springfield. Thanks to Ms. Reinhardt for organizing this wonderful trip for our sixth graders.
“One of the greatest titles in the world is parent, and one of the biggest blessings in the world is to have parents to call mom and dad.” Jim DeMint
Wednesday, October 17th our eighth grade students spent the morning visiting Father McGivney High School. They were very well behaved and enjoyed the tour of the school and the pizza served to them as lunch. Student Ambassadors from Father McGivney High School will visit grades 4-7 grades on Tuesday, 10/23
On Thursday 10/18 all students and faculty participated in the Nation-wide Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill for 2018. At 10:18 a.m. an announcement was made to all that the Great ShakeOut earthquake drill was beginning. At that time, students and faculty practiced the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” actions that should be taken when the earth starts to shake.
There are a few classes going on field trips this coming week. Pre-School will be go to Relleke Pumpkin Farm on Tuesday, 10/23. Kindergarten and First Grade will go to Rhodes Farm on Thursday, 10/25. Pray for a good time and great weather for them.
On October 24th students riding our busses will participate in a Bus Drill learning what to do in case of an emergency.
On Friday, October 26th we will celebrate the students attaining the First Quarter Honor Roll. You are most welcome to come celebrate Mass with us at 8:15 a.m.
October 29 – Nov. 1st is our Red Ribbon Week of fun activities reminding us to always be Drug Free. This week honors the law officers who lost their lives protecting others from the distribution and sale of drugs. We are reminded each day to say “NO” to things that can harm us and since it is in October, the Respect Life month, we say “YES” to the gifts that God has given to us. Please see the Backpack News for each day’s activities.
Blessings to you and your family,
Miss Kirk