Principal’s Pen September 7, 2018

Dear Parents,

Our Mother’s Mass was a great success! Thank you for celebrating Mass with us!! My last count was 96 mothers. For those mothers that could not be with us, please know that you were in our prayers and petitions.

Father John – Please send in whatever donation you can for Father John’s birthday gift. We will present him with his gift at the Tuesday, September 11th mass. He will be in the cafeteria on Tuesday sharing his birthday cake with the students.

Boy Scouts – Mr. Hardin will be in the classrooms on Tuesday, Sept 11 in grades K – 5 talking about joining the Boy Scouts. Thursday, Sept. 13th will be Boy Scout Sign –up Night at 6 pm in Fellowship Hall for K – 5 grades.

Mid-Quarter Ends – Mid-quarter ends on Sept. 12th. Reports will be sent home in next week’s Friday Folders. This is not the final grade. It is a notice to let you know where your child is standing grade wise. Students have about 4 weeks to keep their grades up or to improve them.

Third Grade Parent Meeting – REMINDER: All third grade parents are to attend a Confirmation meeting on Sunday, Sept. 16th after the 10:30 mass in Fellowship Hall.

Half Day Dismissal – Students will be dismissed on Friday, September 21st at 11:15 am because of the Italian Festival and Unit 10 being a half day. Bus transportation is available this day.

Classroom Highlights: Next week I will be highlighting classroom(s) every two weeks. Hopefully, this will let you know what is happening in these exciting rooms. For example: yesterday in Pre-school Mrs. Plocher read the story, “I Like Myself”. The students then made a book about what they like about themselves. She and Mrs. Kircher painted each student’s hand, knee, and toes so they could make an imprint of these in their book. The students giggled when being painted saying it tickled. Such cute smiles and laughter was enjoyed!

Papa John Night – Moms and Dads, if you are looking for a day off from fixing dinner Wednesday, September 12th is your opportunity. It is SS Peter and Paul’s Papa John’s Night out.

Spirit Wear – There are concerns about when the students will be wearing their “spirit wear/ Buzzy wear”. The faculty and I have agreed that the first Wednesday of every month (unless it a special mass) students will be allowed to wear Buzzy wear or the jersey of the school sport that they play with jeans. If students do not have Buzzy wear they may wear the green shirt. If they do not have jeans then they need to wear their uniform pants. This is not a dress-down day.

Thank you parents for all that you do for us here at SS Peter and Paul School!
You are so special to us!! Peace and blessings to you, Miss Kirk