Principal’s Pen October 5, 2018

Dear Parents,

Green Shirt Order: 
In today’s Friday Folder is an order form for the Green Shirts. This will be our last green shirt order until next spring. Please make the check to Ss Peter and Paul School.

Y I Count: 
On Tuesday, October 9, we are fortunate to have a presentation from Mr. Steph Carse from Canada, a nationally known speaker on Bullying and Suicide. He is speaking to groups in elementary schools in this area and in St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. Laura Suria was able to get him to speak to our students. His talk will focus on self-worth for youth using education, music, and empathy. The presentation will be in the gym at 10 am. for grades 3 – 8. Parents are invited. If you would like more information on his program go to Y I Count on the internet.

Eighth Grade Parent Meeting: 
Mrs. Martin and I have met concerning the Eighth Grade Trip. I spoke to the eighth graders last Wednesday and asked them for ideas where they have not been and would like to see. With that information we have outlined a great day for them. Mrs. Martin has scheduled a parent meeting on Wednesday, October 10th at 6:30 pm in the eighth grade classroom.

Parents and Friends: Please mark your calendar for our first Parents and Friends Meeting on Monday, October 22, at 6:30 pm in Fellowship Hall. More information will follow.

March for Life: Information is coming home to our eighth graders and parents who would like to be part of the Parish March for Life Trip in January 2019.

Card Board City: This weekend the Youth Group will be participating in Card Board City next to the church. Please keep them in your prayers as they experience what it might be like to be homeless and hungry.

Report Cards: Our first quarter ends Friday, October 12th. Report Cards will be going home in the Friday Folder on October 19th.

2018 Life Chain: On Sunday, October 7th, if you would like to participate in the Life Chain the parishioners of Ss Peter and Paul will be standing on Vandalia from Clay, Johnson, Madison, and Wickliffe. The time for this event is from 2 – 3 pm. Could you give one hour for an unborn baby?

Blessings to your family,
Miss Patricia Kirk