September 7, 2018 Backpack News

Tuesday, Sept 11 Fr. John’s Birthday
Wednesday, Sept 12 Papa John’s Pizza Night: SSPP receives up to 20% of the sales.
(Buy Scrip from the office, too!)
Friday, Sept 14 Yankee Candle Fundraiser begins
Friday, Sept 21 SSPP ½ Day, Bus service is available, Unit 10 has ½ day
Thursday, Sept 27 Lifetouch Yearbook Pictures
Friday, Sept 28 Yankee Candle Fundraiser ends
Saturday, Sept 29 Kindergarten Parent & Kids Enrichment Day,
Choir sings at 4:30 p.m. Mass

Protecting God’s Children (PGC) Classes: 
ANY parent/guardian who may coach, want to be a field trip chaperone, classroom helper (room parent), playground supervisor or lunch helper MUST complete the Protecting God’s Children program plus have a Background Check processed. This is in accordance with the Safe Environment policy of the Springfield Diocese. We may be contacting you to resubmit a background check as they are good for only 5 years.

SSPP will be holding sessions. PLEASE CALL THE PARISH OFFICE at 618-345-4343 TO SIGN UP
Thursday, September 13, from 6:30-9:30 p.m. at Morris Hall
Saturday, September 22, from 9 a.m. to noon at Morris Hall

These area sessions are listed on the diocesan website (, under Safe Environment Program:
Sept 13, 2018 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm, St. Mary, Edwardsville, Registration Contact: 618-465-4284
Sept 19, 2018 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm, St. Boniface, Edwardsville, Registration Contact: 618-656-6450

As many may have noticed, the Friday Folders this year are going home with the oldest/only student in a family. Thank you to those who have returned them promptly! The Friday Folders are due back to school the next school day.

SSPP’s Annual School Auction is Saturday, November 10, 2018!

Fr. John’s Birthday 
Fr. John will celebrate his birthday on Sept. 11th. We will be collecting student donations for a gift for him from the students. Please send the money in an envelope marked Fr. John to the office.

Youth Group is sponsoring a collection for the Feast of St. Vincent De Paul. We are asking that each classroom contribute the following items: Preschool: Shampoo, Kindergarten: Conditioner,
1st grade: Toilet Paper, 2nd grade: Paper Towels, 3rd grade: Dish Soap, 4th grade: Toothpaste,
5th grade: Body Soap, 6th grade: Deodorant, 7th grade: Tooth Brush, 8th grade: Mouth Wash

On Thursday, September 27, the Feast of St. Vincent De Paul, the youth group will collect all items from the classrooms to take over to the St. Vincent De Paul pantry in Morris Hall.

Thank you for everyone’s help in serving our community! Meagan VandeRiet, 618-789-5065

1) Return your soccer picture order form by Friday, September 14.
2) Make sure your student has a physical on file with the school office.
3) Send in your Basketball Registration, due September 14. Schedule is about 85% complete based on one team for each grade. If there is not enough to form a team, the schedule has to be reworked.
4) Pre-Basketball/Volleyball meeting for parents and coaches Thursday, Sept 13th, 7PM in the School Gym. Any requests for discussion items must be emailed to Jill Walker, Athletic Direcotr by Tuesday, Sept 11th.

The Collinsville Shop N Save has closed. You may still visit the stores located in Edwardsville, Granite City and Belleville. Please think about coming to the school office to purchase $25 or $100 scrip gift cards. SSPP receives a percentage back on each card. More information about our scrip program will be coming soon!

Family Health & Safety Fair 
For those BIG or small: An opportunity for children to learn health and safety tips in a fun and interactive way! Saturday, September 8, 2018, 9 a.m. to noon, at Memorial Hospital’s Belleville Campus. Where a kid can meet a hero!! Presented by Emergency Department Pediatric Specialists team.
For more information, visit:

Inserts in today’s Friday Folders: 
Papa John’s Pizza Night, Grandparent Information Request Form, Cub Scout Night (K-5 boys)